A Swedish writer, Henning Mannkel, has a series of detective novels featuring a policeman named Kurt Wallander and BBC created a few 90 minute movies out of these books. Kevin Branagh plays Wallender and he plays him quite well. Having read most of the books over the past ten years, I envisioned Wallender as a bit bigger, taller and more physically imposing but Branagh has the rest of the physicality down: the pasty skin, the three-day growth of beard, the hunched shoulders, dark brooding attitude, antisocial behavior. The crimes are usually unique and often gruesome and as in most foreign drama the viewer must pay attention and follow closely to figure out what is happening.
I got the DVDs out of the library but perhaps you can get them from Netflix as well. Worth watching and since they are each about 90 minutes, it is a short time frame compared to some current movies. Check them out..... great for a gray weekend day, curled up on the couch.
Ummm... isn't it Kenneth Branagh? Just checking.