Sunday, June 26, 2016

The government payout, finally

You pay into the system your entire life and you are finally old enough to ask the government for some of the money back.  You jump through the hoops they have set up, hoops ringed in fire (it seems) and  you do everything they ask.  You fill out the forms, you cross your fingers and trust the mail delivery, you stand in line and you wait for their decision.  Will I be worthy? Will my 50 year work history make me redeemable according to the Government Lists? Will they grant me a small, tiny stipend each month or cast me out like old banana peels, into the wasteland?

Yes, it is a bit dramatic but if you have gone through any government agency for monetary help, like social security or unemployment or disability,  you will know what I mean. At times you feel like a small hamster, rubbing your teeny paws together, hoping the Big People will give you something.  A small bite of an apple.  A pellet.  Anything. 

And so this week I received what I call the "Granting Your Wish" letter from Social InSecurity telling me I will indeed get "wife benefits" (lower case) and they will start, perhaps, if I am lucky, in July. Or sometime, whenever those government people think it's the right time. I cannot convey how happy I am to get this.  For me at my lame-ass wages, it's like getting another paycheck every month!  Now, if you know me at all, you know my income is pretty small, netting out at about $28,000 each year, so this extra income is awesome. YAY!  That's what I say:  YAY!

I will be working for a long time, of course, but my work will fund my own SS account so when I am 70 my benefits will be more than what I am getting now (half of John's) and thus it will be even better.  Yes, I will be older then and more tired, but still, any extra $$$ is always welcome. I figure I have until 76 before I have to start thinking about slowing down.  And even that is speculative.

Because of this, I can plan on taking some sojourns away from here.  Because of this, I can perhaps qualify for a better place to live, ON MY OWN, sooner than later.  Because of this I won't have to work six days a week for the rest of my life.  Because of this, I will feel safer, financially. It's a huge thing.  

Thank you, FDR, for this amazing government entitlement program that still works.  I am so grateful.

more to follow......


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