Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Maybe chaos is the wrong word.  Maybe turmoil is better, or pandemonium.  Or simply confusion.  Whatever the word, a lot of us are experiencing it right now.  If you believe astrologers, last night's lunar eclipse was the culmination of a planetary shift that has brought incredible disarray to the cosmos but promises huge spiritual and emotional changes in the future.  Well, maybe.  I think it is more the real world we live in instead of the cosmic one, but I could be wrong.

But whatever the cause, one wonders what the fix might be. At one end of the spectrum is the truly chaotic mind, one that cannot stop jumping from subject to subject, one that feels like it is a wire away from shorting out.  What to do, where to go, how to get there, why bother? Why not just bury oneself in books and read for the next six months?

The other end of that spectrum is the person who is focusing very clearly on how to overcome this messy mind syndrome.  Signing up for classes, reading self-help books, making early new year's resolutions to change everything in one's life, dieting, exercising, walking, running, anything that feels like forward movement instead of wallowing in the stagnation.

Then there are those of us in the middle territory.  We know we should be doing something but we are taking baby steps to find out what that something is. Personally, I have sent out more resumes to on-line job postings in the past week than I have in the past month.  It isn't much, but it's at least something proactive.  I was offered a job last week that many people thought I should have taken, but it would have meant continuing to live with my son and daughter-in-law for the foreseeable future because it didn't pay very much and had zero benefits.  I turned it down because I firmly believe that there is a job out there that I actually WANT to do.  I just need to find it. Or it needs to find me.

So that's my current level of activity to try to reduce the effects of my unsettled mind and unsettled life.  That and the decision to take an on-line French language course. Heck, if I can't get a job, at least I can whine about it in another language.

I hope some of you caught the lunar eclipse last night.  I saw bits and pieces of it through major cloud cover, but what I saw was eerie and mystical and very cool.  For a great video, check this out.  http://www.vimeo.com/18046748

Au revoir for now.

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