Monday, April 1, 2013

Moving, deux

Oh, my god.  I thought I had little possessions.  I thought I had downsized.  I thought my place was so small that nothing extraneous was here.  I thought wrong.

What is it about stuff?  How does it multiply so quickly, going from a couple of plates, cups, forks, knives to boxes of ......  what are those, canning jars?  Really?  I don't can.  I will never can.  Where did these unnecessary plastic items come from, why am I saving plastic yogurt containers with lids?  What was I thinking?  Books, OK, there aren't many but they weigh a ton and it is a long walk to the car from my tiny place.  Dishes, not so many but why do I have 8 small water or whiskey glasses, 4 wine glasses, 6 coffee cups?  Who am I kidding, no way I will ever fit 6 people in here for breakfast let alone 8 for ....  for what, for water?  I certainly am not giving 8 people whiskey, that's for sure.

So sad.  Some of this stuff is emotionally attached to me so I can't toss it.  (I am emotionally attached to NOTHING so there is that attachment forged by the thing, not by me. Hard to understand unless you see it in action.)  But I have a pile ready for Goodwill already in place.  Shirts, dishes, shoes, unnecessary plastic containers.  Everything in here I can carry except the bed and the couch.  My plan is to have all of it out of here by Wednesday afternoon except those two items and one small glass and some alcohol in case of snake bites.  Let's see how this all pans out.

Tired of schlepping and I have so little to move!  Or so I thought.


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