Monday, April 22, 2013


If it stays this hot until the end of summer, over 90 degrees today in my little part of the hot world, I might need to take drastic action and .....   I don't know what, but this is too hot for April.  Honestly.  Wilting hot.  This house, if you close it up at noon, stays below 80 (just) while it is much hotter outside, and it does cool down at night unlike some states I know but really.... it's so boring.  So, so boring.  Oh, sun!  Oh, sunshine!  Oh, more of the same!  Again, again, again.

No clouds, no fog, nothing.  There was a little wind last week, which was fun, but that lasted a day, then more sun, sun, sun.  One would think that since I grew up in Southern California, where it is sunny 300 days a year (it is, honestly) that I wouldn't mind sun and heat and all the cheeriness it brings. One would be wrong.  I like weather.  I like what the changing weather patterns bring.  I lived in Foggy Daly City for ten years and grew to love it.  This weather brings nothing that interests me.  It is boring. It's like eating the same yogurt and granola every day, over and over. Sure, it's OK but it's stupid.  Stupid weather.  And yes, that does sound like a ten year old. I don't care.

On another note (thankfully) the tiny seedlings I planted last week are still alive!  This is remarkable. A few of them even look like they might be growing!  Zut Alors!  Friends told me to make sure I watered them, well, duh. I am not that dumb, but gosh, water does make a huge difference, so I am planning on continuing with the watering program.  Another friend today came by and gave me two tomato plants and some cheap, tall containers to plant them in, so I will be getting dirt tomorrow on the way home from work.  If anyone out there has tomato hints, now is the time to tell me.  Do I plant them, as the sticker says, so only about half the top shows?  That deep?  Well, I will just wing it, so no worries. But I am excited to have them and I hope they don't die.

Nothing else going on.  I am reading a good book, "The Interestings" by Meg Wolitzer. Have read her books before. This one is a tome with interesting (!) characters but half way through I want it to speed up a bit. We'll see if it does.  I watched an excellent documentary: "How To Survive a Plague" which you can instantly download via Netflix.  It's about the Act Up group that was formed in the mid 1980's to try and find out what was going on about AIDS and the epidemic, but it is as much about people organizing to make change happen.  It is worth watching.  Check it out.

OK, time for another glass of cheap white wine. Too hot for red. 


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