I looked at a little duplex today for rent. It would be almost perfect for me. Well, perfect is too high of a standard but let's just say that I can see myself living there and liking it a lot. The guy who was doing some maintenance and clean-up liked me and said he was putting me at the top of the list of candidates. (And he was cute and almost age appropriate, I can't believe I even wrote that!) One bedroom, here in SR, giant kitchen, a teeny ten by ten concrete backyard but enough room for my Webber grill I can plant some stuff in pots and make it look nice. It has a couple of tall trees in back so has some shade. Not fancy but I don't need fancy, low curb appeal but nice inside appeal.
Here's my test: I can see having Christmas Eve there. Not as cozy as Jenn and Dar's but a bit more room and it will be homey.
Holding my breath and I will keep you all updated on this situation.
Good luck!