Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Yes, it's true!!!!  I got myself another place to live, away from the crazy ass lovely Roberta!  A small one bedroom duplex, about a mile from where I live now, all mine.  All mine.  

I have to say, when I was staying at Steve's I had the epiphany that changed everything. My love for living alone was reinforced and, more important, I understood what was keeping me from finding my own place:  my own mind, my own attitude.  Everything I said about my current situation was negative. The focus was on the negativity. Staying at Steve's changed that: I realized that in order to change things, my attitude had to be positive, not negative. Talk about a sea change. Once I acknowledged that fact, I was happier and more certain that a new place to live would come to me.  Asking the universe for help sounds odd, especially for those that know me, but it's what I did. (Plus I promised St. Anthony, my personal Saint for Finding Things, a $200 bonus to St. Anthony's kitchen if he helped me find a place by the end of the year.  Hey, I might not believe in a god but I do believe in spirits. And I believe in paying them when necessary.  St. Anthony also found a buyer for the Big White House in 1998 when I was down to my last hundred bucks.  Go figure.)

I spoke about this change of heart and mind out loud. I told people that my goal was to find a place by the end of the year but no more negative stuff, just all positive looking-ahead stuff.  In the past two weeks four different living scenarios came into my view.  Two were not right, one could be OK and this last one is just fine!  Isn't it a wonder what the power of positive thinking can do?  That and acknowledging that sometimes one needs help.

YAY for this!  Details remain to be worked out but I am dropping off the deposit tomorrow and will finalize the move-in dates, etc.  

Sigh.  Life is Good.


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