How cute is this guy and how much he looks like we all do after this year: worried, sad, trepidatious and maybe ready to try again.
So here is a quick missive, to be followed by longer ones. The major holiday has come and gone and we have just a few days to wait until this awful year ends. It might not have been awful for some people but I cannot count it as one of my personal favorites.
Let's recap some of the highlights: the devil incarnate was inaugurated into office and began his reign of evil and terror immediately. He derides and dismisses anyone not white, claims the election was rigged EVEN THOUGH HE FUCKING WON, starts a really bad polka with Korea's evil dictator, removes the US from the Paris Climate Agreement, describes neo-Nazis as "very fine people" and on and on. His idiocy knows no bounds and yet there are people who will vote for him again.
Following that, in the spring, my Mom died. It happened fairly quickly and she was very old but still. My Mom died.
In the summer I lost my job at the Olea Hotel because, as it turns out, I am not a "team player" even if I was the best member of that team. I would match my customer service skills with anyone in the hospitality industry but I refused to say "yes" all the time, and thus I needed to be replaced. It was fine with me, it was my time to exit that building anyway.
Then, in the fall, the fires. The fires took everyone's mojo away for a while. And they took so much from so many in myriad ways. Terrifying, mournful, shocking and brutal.
Later in the fall I developed a Bakers cyst behind my left knee which lead to a very, very painful inflamed bursa on the front of my leg which led to a torn meniscus in that knee. So painful that I couldn't even put lotion on that leg. Add to the joy was my right knee which is bone on bone without a meniscus and you can see that I am the hobbling Tiny Tim of every winter tale in my mind. Painful and frustrating.
Finally a bizarre Thanksgiving, a painful December and to end it all, on a good note, Christmas Eve, the best day in the year to me and it did not disappoint. It made up for so many bad moments in the year because of my incredibly great kids, great crab, great champagne and so much love. Whew, at least one thing worked out as it should.
Three more days to go in this black curtain of a year. The President thing will not be gone soon, my knee (the one that is fixable) will go under the knife at the end of January, I have a bunch of social engagements on the books for the next four weeks and I am looking forward to 2018 being a year of progress, travel, change and positivity. And maybe a job, but I am still hoping to win the lottery so that annoyance (the job) can be taken off the table. Hope abounds.
OK, more to follow. Since I cannot walk much or do much, I read a lot. Book reports coming.
xoxo Hope everyone who reads this is having the best holidays ever. Or if not ever, at least the best holiday season this year!
Here's to traveling to random parts of France:

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