Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Love Day: A Big Red Heart On

If you read the above title out loud, quickly, it is a little risque, but hey, that's the point of the Day of Love, n'est pas? 

Several of my blog aficionados have emailed me this week to say that I need to write more often and I am going to make that my Valentine's Resolution.  Several have also said that I sound sad, cranky, scattered, focused, unfocused, witty, dry, boring and just plain strange.  I cop to all of the above.  No excuses, no reasons, just me.

For many years I spent San Valentino Day in Europe, where they do, indeed, celebrate the Day of Love just like in the USA.  Flowers, candy, hearts, wine, expensive dinners, lingerie, cards, romance, all are marketed throughout the Western world.  Having little or no knowledge about Eastern civilized lands (i.e. China, Japan, Southeast Asia, etc) I don't know if they ascribe to the same thought process, but if not today, perhaps they have some other day to spend foolishly and furiously.  But it was lovely to be in a country like France or Italy and see the storefronts pandering to those in love.  Since I was there with someone whom I loved, but not in "that" way, it was easy to be single on San Valentino Day.  We usually just grabbed some good wine, some good take-out pizza (in Italy) or bread and cheese (in France) and left the romantic dining crowd alone.  Since Feb. 14 is a terrible day to eat out (overpriced, too "special" and too crowded), retiring to a hotel room or small apartment and indulging in good snacks was the agenda for that evening.  I miss that.  I miss pointing out to Tom which gorgeous, expensive flowers he should buy me and I miss him doing the same with the incredibly decadent chocolates, hand crafted and hand decorated.  Neither of which we would receive, of course, but it was fun to pretend.

Today my big outing was to Safeway, buying a couple of things that are not stocked at the neighborhood Trader Joe's and the store was full of men buying really tacky, overpriced flowers and balloons and cheap chocolate.  Really, guys, come on, you couldn't have thought of this before your lunch hour?  You couldn't have snuck out of the house a day or two or three ago and gone to See's Candies at least?  But I suppose a rose by any other name is still a rose, even if it dies tomorrow.  (Oh, there's my cynical side!)

And I must admit, once when I was married I got roses delivered to my desk on V.D. (hmm, suspicious initials) and I loved it.  But then, what woman doesn't love getting flowers?  Doesn't matter if they are delivered by some anonymous florist or hand delivered by your sweetie upon arrival home from work, flowers will always be on the positive side of the Love Ledger.  Candy, fine.  Overpriced dinner, fine. But flowers, yes, always.  And there's a hint to all of you studly men and cuddly women:  bring home flowers, not just on February 14 but on some random day in March or May or any other month.  Surprise someone. It's easy and it counts a lot.

Today's weather forecast:  dull, insipid clouds, not a good storm in sight.  Some thunder and lightning would be lovely but I fear I am in for sad, relentless drizzle for a while.

over and out for tonight.


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