Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Too bad I am not a believer

If I was, I would pray or offer a sacrifice or get down on my knees or do whatever was necessary to get a leg up on the gods.  The interview on Monday was fine, the job is quite different than I thought it would be, but that's OK.

But, the reason for the god stuff, is I applied for a really perfect job for me, I can't even tell you about it for fear of jinxing it so that's all.  If any of you out there have any connection with the guiding forces of life, perhaps you can convince them to guide the force my way.

Otherwise, all is fine. I am spending a couple of days out here in Inverness, in a cottage on Tomales bay, enjoying the effects of global warming.  Who knew we Californians would be doing that right now?  Basking in the sun while my daughter in Texas is experiencing a half inch of ice covering everything in sight.  We love these days but it is sort of creepy and wrong.  It's February First, boys and girls, we should be complaining about the endless rain and cold, not complaining that we can't find our short sleeve shirts because the temp is pushing 70 degrees.

Yes, regarding that Kyoto summit, hmmm, it would have been smart to attend, Mr. Bush.

Over and out for now.  Again, thanks for the good thoughts and keep them up.  I want this job.   But I will, of course, be fine without it.


1 comment:

  1. Good luck!!! I am holding you in a cocoon of pink light (positive thought and protection)Wishing you the BEST.
    XO Christine
