Friday, February 4, 2011

Weather predictions on the job front

Before I get to the weather, I must update you on my lack of job status. I received a very nice letter today from the Burlingame School District office telling me that I was a total loser and should be happy that I am still collecting unemployment because I have no talent and will never get another job, not even flipping burgers.

Hmm, well, no, that's not what they said. That's what I read into it.  They thanked me profusely and shyly confessed that they hired one of the other participants in the cattle call.  No, not cattle call, what I meant was interview process. 

Now we come to the title of this post.  It was suggested by Gabe and Annie that instead of rehashing the job thing every other post, I create a metaphor to relay the current state of joblessness.  So I hereby am creating the Weather Forecast on Julie's Jobs.  In each post there will be a note that reads something like:  Current Weather Conditions or Weather Predictions or something like that.  If it says "sunny, bright, clear skies" you will know things are looking up.  If it states "dark, stormy, tornado watch"  you will know things are looking pretty crappy.  Anything in between, like "mild, some clouds, chance of showers" could mean anything in the middle, like I might have a job interview or I am waiting to hear back from the 67 jobs I just applied to or some such scenario.

It's not that I am tired of talking about jobs, it's just that I am tired of talking about not having one.  The weather report will let you know what's up without reading all the nasty details and it means I don't have to dredge up all those nasty details.  But don't worry, if there is anything really important that I need to share, I will just blurt it out, weather report be damned.

On to other things, like my latest quest to get a free subscription to every magazine published in the USA.  Actually, I don't want a free subscription, I just want one copy of each magazine, then I will write CANCEL on the bill and the subscription will cease. I will be left with at least one edition of the magazine, something to read in my leisure time (of which I have plenty) and at no cost to me! 

Finally, (and I hear you all breathing a sigh of relief at that) I must share (I hate that word) with you all something I read in the Dallas-Ft. Worth airport. I was buying a bottle of water at the Dunkin Doughnut concession and they had on proud display a coffee mug they were selling. Next to the mug was a printed sign that read "Limited Addition."  Now, I truly believe Texas has a problem with limited addition, but I wasn't aware it extended to coffee mugs.  Had it been a limited edition of said mug, perhaps I would have purchased one, but I was afraid of the limited addition (bad math and all that) so I didn't.

Weather Forecast for the Weekend:  Moderate temperatures, no wind and really boring clouds.

Have a good weekend.


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