Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dog days in Texas

I realize that I have not posted here since Monday!  Gosh, time does fly when you are deep in the heart of Texas.  My days are so, so busy, what with walking the dogs and all.  And sitting in the backyard.  And watching episodes of CSI: NY with Jenn.  We take the dogs to the dog park every day and that takes up a lot of time as well.  It's amazing we have time for anything normal, like coffee and showers and the like.  Even the dogs are exhausted:

We found an amazing market in Dallas yesterday, huge and very, very upscale.  Think Whole Foods only richer.  Their wine department was bigger than the wine department at the local Cost Plus World Market!  The fresh bread department looked like a French bakery, with more than two dozen different kinds of freshly baked bread.  The deli counter stretched at least 20 feet, with more salads than you could imagine, and then there were the hot foods, the salad bar, the olive bar, and on and on.  We had a great time and I spent a bit of money.  I offered earlier in the week to take Jenn out to a nice dinner but she opted to go to this market instead.  I spent way less at the market than I would have on a restaurant, so it was win-win all the way.

We cooked scallops last night for dinner with a spring risotto, molto bene!  Here are the dogs, watching us cook:

Tonight some of Jenn's friends are coming over for dinner and I am making my famous pork cooked in milk.  Yummm.

OK, that's really a bunch of boring stuff, isn't it?  Sounds like "Dear Diary:  today I went to school and came home."  I didn't even mention the part where we got pedicures and how beautiful our toes look right now.  Or taking the dogs to Pet Co for dog food and how Cooper peed in the store!  Absolutely no social skills, that dog.  I won't even mention the plan for today.  Instead, I will tell you about it tomorrow!  Tune in then!

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