Thursday, March 3, 2011

Doing the Valleys

Here's a photo of the beach at Carmel and one of the water tower I am sleeping in.  I just have the bottom floor, the upstairs is storage.  Small, but lovely location.  Funky but free.

Took a long, circuitous drive from Carmel Valley to the Pinnacles, then a long way back.  Great clouds, saw the Salinas Valley and mile after mile of agriculture, fields as green as Emerald City.  Not many people on the road so it was a nice drive.

Tomorrow Cooper and I are going to walk around Carmel, pretend to be shoppers, and perhaps I will put a little paper cup on Cooper's back with a small sign saying "Please Feed Me or Buy Me a Coat."  Perhaps the generous folks of Carmel, who are said to love dogs, will put folding money in the cup.  That's my plan, anyway, we'll see how it works out. Below is Cooper on the crowded bed in the water tower, desperately in need of some new threads, looking like an abandoned overfed rodent.  Will let you  know how we do on the money scam tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Cooper Pooper, I miss you!! BeBe cannot wait to meet you and find you on the guest bedroom bed looking just like that!
