Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March Madness

March already!  Two months have already zipped by and what do we have to show for it?  Nothing!  Some rain, a little snow, a lot of snow in other places, many trashy novels absorbed, too many calories consumed, a great deal of dullness and slothfulness.  (Speaking for myself, of course.)  And not even a job!  Zut alors!

Therefore, my month of March is going to be a madcap whirlwind of activity. Today I am setting out for Carmel Valley, a new adventure, to spend a few days in a converted water tower, another new adventure.  Next week I have a few dinners scheduled, then my almost-a-grandson's first birthday, and then Cooper and I are hitting the road and driving to Texas.  We will return early April, whereupon we have another house and dog sitting gig, and after that I am meeting one of my brothers in the Santa Inez valley (near Santa Barbara) for a few days of wine tasting and more slothfulness.

Now, it would be just my luck to be offered a really good job right now, one that I couldn't turn down, and most of the above plans would be scrapped for a paycheck.  Ah, the vagaries of life.

I will report in on the water tower, Monterey County, the life of the rich and famous in Carmel.  Stay tuned.


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