Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Inverview #2

What's with the economy these days, can anyone clue me in?  OK, I know that the economy is bad, people are still getting laid off, people are still getting foreclosed out of their homes, but come on, new jobs that pay a whopping $12.00 an hour?  Yes, the job I interviewed for yesterday payed just that.  It did pay health benefits, which for me is like getting another $2.75 an hour, but still.  $12.00 an hour gets you less than $1600 a month.  Given that rent in the bay area ranges from around $900 for a small, squalid studio apartment and up, let's put us in a non-squalid yet not great apartment for $1100 a month.  That leaves about $500 for food, utilities, gas, car insurance, dog food, clothes, car repairs if needed and anything else not taken for granted.  Dentist?  Can't afford it.  Eye exam?  Can't afford it.  Neither of those are covered under the insurance policy.

How does a person live on $12 an hour?  Answer me that, Mr. Wizard. 

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