Saturday, March 26, 2011

Texas? Paris? Paris, Texas?

There is an excellent article in the NY Times about Paris, the one in France.  Here's the link.

Anyone who knows me knows that I love Paris, France.  I have always wanted to live there and I still do, but that dream will probably not ever come true.  Too pricey and at my advanced age, probably too difficult to fit in. But still, I think about it a lot and if I had the money, I might actually try it for a year.  Or a half.  The article is from a woman who lived there for two years and is now coming back to NYC.  For Francophiles like me, it is hugely enjoyable reading.

That brings me to Paris, Texas.  Seems it is not that far from where Jenn lives, at least not in comparison to how huge the state of Texas is.  Not that I want to go there, mind you, but it appears they have an Eiffel Tower!  With a cowboy hat!  You have to admire a city that would do something as goofy as that.

As sure as I am that Paris, Texas wouldn't be anything like Paris, France, it's nice to know that some sort of Paris is closeby.

Here in non-Paris, Texas, it's Saturday morning, coffee has been consumed, the temperature is beginning to ooze into the 90's and thoughts of doing gardening work are going out the window.  Too hot.  We have postponed some of that until the sun sets, unless we postpone it to another day which is quite likely.  Ah, the life of the unemployed.


1 comment:

  1. Ha Ha--the eiffel tower with a cowboy hat!! I wonder what the French people think of that mon amie?
